Shaping the industry together
The Nemetschek Group has set itself the goal of driving efficiency and sustainability in the construction industry to enable its customers to shape the world - through the intelligent software solutions of its 13 brands, but also by investing in young, innovative start-ups that complement the current portfolio. They are a key driver of innovative solutions for a more efficient construction industry.
Our investments help entrepreneurs accelerate their growth and gain go-to-market advantages by connecting them with open partner ecosystems. In turn, these startups enrich the industry with new ideas and approaches. This leads to a more efficient construction process, higher quality buildings and greater sustainability. The investments fit perfectly into the strategy of supporting younger companies that shape the future AEC/O market and drive innovation.
Nemetschek Group Ventures is responsible for the execution of group-wide venture transactions, acts as an internal startup and innovation advisor and provides venture and fund investment services for brand level transactions.
Head of Start Up & Venture Investments @ Nemetschek Group
Investment and Portfolio Manager @ Nemetschek Group